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Get the Facts About Lan Diep



Lan Diep is working very hard to deceive voters about his record as a council member. Learn the truth here.



FACT: Lan Diep voted with the 6-5 majority the residential inclusionary housing fee to $0 for downtown development - waiving fees for affordable housing (11/5/2019)


Meeting Minutes:



FACT: Diep, Jones, Khamis, and Nguyen voted AGAINST moving forward with a feasibility study for a Commercial Linkage Fee to help pay for affordable housing on 12/11/2018, signifying opposition to such a fee. This year, during his re-election he had a change of heart, and now brags of voting to pass a (modest) commercial linkage fee.

FACT: Voted to weaken protections from developers buying rent controlled buildings and displacing residents. San Jose already had the weakest Ellis Act in the state Diep voted to weaken it further. (11/5/2019)

FACT: Voted to refer consideration of general plan amendments for Westwinds and Mountain Springs to next Priority Setting (dealying protections by a year). This was in line with a memo from Mayor, Jones, Diep, Nguyen, and Carrasco, and against a memo from Jimenez, Peralez, and Rocha to begin work immediately. (3/13/2018)


Then, in March 2020, when his election support was at risk, Diep submitted a memo for a mobile home park ordinance in a change of heart:

FACT: During a major displacement crisis, Diep states during candidate forum "I am on record as being against rent control." 

FACT: Submitted a year before COVID and the George Floyd protests, 5 members of the Council wanted to create an Office of Racial Equity to address systemic inequities in San Jose. Even after the budget request was reduced from $500k to $50k, Diep joined with the council majority to vote down the proposal.


Diep then wrote an Op-Ed saying that investing in addressing racial inequities was "politicizing the budget":


In 2020, with racial justice now in the forefront, Diep once again had a change of heart and now takes credit for the formation of the office.

FACT: Voted against moving the Mayoral election to align with Presidential elections (4/16/2019). Diep's analysis: “People who care vote." This is not the language of somebody who works "on behalf of people at the margins."


FACT: When other Republicans on the San Jose City Council left the Republican Party in 2018 because of their anger over Donald Trump's immigration policies, Lan Diep said he was "not currently interested in ditching the Republican Party."


When he began his reelection campaign in 2019, he asked for the endorsement of the Santa Clara County Republican Party. 


Then, as the official campaign began, he officially left the party and became a "Decline to State (DTS)," hoping to boost he reelection chances. 



In March 2020, after finishing in 2nd place in the primary election as a DTS, he quietly changed his registration again, this time to Democrat, hoping to boost reelection chances. Calling himself a "fellow Democrat" is the height of dishonesty.

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